Practice makes perfect, right? Well, not quite. If the way you practice sucks, then you will suck too. This is true
Author: Aaron Shbeeb
Ways To Strike With A Stick
(Ok, I know it’s been a long time since I last posted. Other tasks and the holiday depleted my available
Ways To Strike With A Pistol
In pattern with the recent posts, here’s a brief treatment of how to use a pistol as an impact weapon.
Ways To Strike With A Knife
The ways in which you might cause damage to an opponent when using a knife might seem obvious, but there
Weapon Taxonomy
There are a lot of different weapons out there. If you include all of the “traditional” martial arts weapons then
Rock, Paper, Scissors…Stab!
Recently, I saw a video that inspired me to make a new drill for my students. The video took place
Stopping Power? Physics and Bullets
Being a martial artist, the topic of guns comes up frequently. When it does, the issue of what caliber of
Learning Techniques From Principles
Autumn Rhythm With all of the science talk I do here, someone might get the impression there is no “art”
Learning Principles From Techniques
So, I talk a lot about the value of learning principles rather than just techniques. If you have an instructor
Principles vs Techniques
This image taken from I grew up watching kung fu movies. Often times, the success of the protagonist depended